Russian Beer mug

USSR Beer Mugs

Beer and kvass mugs (1917 – 1991 years), not souvenir

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Mug for beer. Side view.
  • # 374 #
    "Vosstanie" Glass plant

    LSPO PTP 0.5 liters. 12 faces Vosstanie35
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  • This mug is made at the glass factory "Vosstanie" (Chudovo, Novgorod region). The picture view on a mug - 12 large straight facets, on the front mug has a circular medallion with the inscription: ''ЛСПО'' (center), ''ПРЕДП.ТРЕСТ.ПРОИЗВОД.'' (by circle). Brand number - 2 (1935 Leningrad UCM since Chudovo until 1944 belonged to the Leningrad region). Volume designation - 0.5 L (etching).
    The filling dash line - the inscription on the upper rim of the mug.
    The inscription on the bottom - ''ЗАКАЗ ЛСПО З-Д ВОССТАНИЕ 0,5''
    Weight - 854 grams.
    Height - 153 mm.
    The diameter of the top - 90 mm.
    The diameter of the bottom - 90 mm.


Rough massive clear glass mugs, suggests that use the old forms (before 1917). There are many variants of this model. They are distinguished by the color of the glass, the size and location of the medallion and inscriptions. The inscription on this mug decrypts often meets a mysterious abbreviation "PTP" - Enterprise Trust Manufacturing (in my opinion). The stamp UCM 1935 is the earliest known me. Apply calibration mark on tankards began in 1932 (presumably).


 P.S. Our specimen mug are labeled - has shaped “XX” scratches on the side and on the bottom, obviously struggle with theft of packaging (bar labels).


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374 Yes
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