Russian Beer mug

USSR Beer Mugs

Beer and kvass mugs (1917 – 1991 years), not souvenir

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Mug for beer. Side view.
  • # 597 #
    The Urshel Glass Factory.

    0,5 liter., 125 years of the Urshel Glass Factory.
  • Issue Year:
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  • The mug has a cylindrical shape.
    On the facade in the upper part there is the logo of the Urshel Glass Works and the inscription under it is 125 years old to the Urshel Glass Factory.
    On the reverse side - the building of Urshel Glass Works, the year of foundation. - 1858 and the current year of the mug production - 1983.
    At the bottom of the mug, the logo of the Urshel Glass Works is on the whole diameter of the mug. The bottom is very thick - 10 mm.
    At the bottom of the mug, at the bottom level, in the center of the images there are two ornaments in the form of 4 rhombuses with leading truncated ends.
    Throughout the perimeter of the mug - small casting inclusions in the form of pimples to 2/3 of the height of the mug from the rim.
    Top diameter - 87 mm
    Bottom diameter – 82 mm


The mug is cast from 4 parts - 2 parts of the mug's body, the bottom and the rim. Casting is very high quality, with a clear pattern and inscriptions. Verification stigma, the mark of the filling level and the notation of the volume - no. The rim on this mug have no a mark of the filling level , but performs an element of decor. The volume of 0.5 liters is established by the experimental method.


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282 Yes
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